UNIQ CAPITAL SNC (hereinafter “UNIQ CAPITAL”) is a duly regulated and registered Swiss financial services provider.
This document is intended for informational purposes only and is intended for a professional or institutional audience and/or qualified investors, as defined by applicable regulations.
The information, data, analyses, opinions and forecasts contained in this document (hereinafter the “Information”) do not constitute, and should not be construed as, an offer, solicitation, advice or recommendation relating to any particular financial instrument or service or a commitment to engage in any transaction, or a distribution of collective investment funds or other financial instruments.
As a marketing document, the Information is not the result of financial research or analysis within the meaning of Swiss (LSFin/LEFin), European (MiFID) or any other applicable laws; and this document does not constitute a prospectus or a fact sheet.
Although UNIQ CAPITAL has taken all reasonable precautions to use information from reliable and complete sources in preparing this document, UNIQ CAPITAL makes no warranty that the Information is accurate, complete or current. The Information is based on data, analyses, opinions and forecasts at a given time, which may change rapidly thereafter.
UNIQ CAPITAL assumes no responsibility to update, adapt or revise the Information provided herein. In no event shall UNIQ CAPITAL, its partners, officers and/or employees be liable for any loss or damage of any kind arising, directly or indirectly, from the use of the Information.
The Information cannot, by itself, constitute a basis for evaluating or assessing investment opportunities. It is therefore necessary for the recipients of this document to carry out their own evaluations and research, taking into account, on the one hand, their financial situation, their investment objectives and their risk appetite, and, on the other hand, the eligibility criteria and the legal, tax and accounting consequences. It is recommended that recipients consult legal, tax and accounting experts or advisors.
This document is not intended for citizens, domiciled or resident persons or registered entities in any jurisdiction where the distribution, publication or use of this document and the Information would be in violation of applicable laws and regulations.
This document may not be (re)distributed to third parties, published, reproduced or quoted without the prior consent of UNIQ CAPITAL.